Strategy & Transformation

The Centre shares experience in formulating strategy and management of resources


The Centre formulates strategy which yields 100 % success rates. The strategies formulated by the experts in the Centre and follow-up actions taken at the right time result in greater outcome.

CONCORD offers appropriate solutions and develops distinctive capabilities which translate into superior results. The Centre develops strategies over a period of time by associating itself with the organisational activities and offers value added strategies by way of its distinctive outside-in perspectives.

The Centre helps the organisation understand its strengths, core competencies and make best use of the opportunities available. The centre holds mirror image of people, their attitude and the style of functioning in human interactions and sensibilities. CONCORD helps the individuals and the organisations identify the needs, gaps and the expectations of people from its leaders.


The distinctive quality of our services is an exclusive action-oriented outcome-based program designed for senior personnel who are in a leadership role. The objective is to develop the quality in leaders to create true followers and a chain of followers of followers.

The focus of the program is to help identify the areas in which change is needed within the leadership and collectively develop an action plan for driving successful change or transformation. The focus is to help create the right attitude in getting the work done from people with a humane touch.


People learn from past mistakes, wrong decisions and absence of right ideas at the right time. It is essential to acquire new knowledge, learning new things from other’s experience. It is paramount to get fresh ideas, new ways of thinking and new ways of working. The Centre facilitates in knowledge management and its repository system by developing knowledge management processes and learning interventions.